Friday, May 13, 2011

Thailand was an amazing trip. Such a beautiful country with great people. I was only there for five days but it literally felt like we were there for two weeks. We traveled to so many different places and did so many things; I was completely exhausted every single night. We landed in Bangkok Friday night and met up with one of our friends friend who was a local. She showed us around and took us to the Songkran water festival in Bangkok and it was a blast. I was not expecting it to be so much fun. Its literally a water fight/ club packed with hundreds of people dumping buckets of water on each other. Definitely something you have to be there for to be able to understand the magnitude of this event. Thailand people really know how to party. We even lost our friend Hubert in the middle of the crowd.

We spent our first full day in Bangkok traveling around the city visiting various temples and knocking the scenic shit out of the way. One thing that I noticed while in Thailand were that they were extremely religious people. They have little statues of Buddha's scattered all over the city and every time we pass one whether we were on a bus or walking past, people would give a quick prayer. We actually came during the perfect time because there was this really beautiful temple that was only open around this time of the year, so we were able to go inside and pay respects to the Buddha. Unfortunately they didn't allow pictures in that particular temple. :( I cant remember the name of the temple, but it was a huge room with a big Buddha perched on top of a golden castle. It was a really calming experience. I spent a little extra time in there just because it was such a beautiful room.

Afterwards we went to eat and take a nap before heading out to check out the nightlife in Bangkok. The club we went to was nothing special. Mostly filled with old white guys and ladyboys.... hahahaha. We ended up just getting wasted and hanging out. The real party was waiting in Phuket.

Second day, we headed to the zoo. I was really looking forward to this place because I desperately wanted to pet some tigers and ride some elephants. Unfortunately the place we ended up was crap. :/ Later I found out that we would have had to travel to Northern Thailand for those types of activities. Nonetheless, we managed to have a good time at the zoo, and I still managed to take a picture with a tiger. :)

On the third day we booked a flight from Bangkok to Phuket which was an island about an hour and a half south of Bangkok. We checked into our hostel around three in the afternoon and headed to Patong beach right away. Before I go on, the cars and buses in Thailand are nothing like Hong Kong. They're basically old and breaking down lol. And if you've never seen a tuk-tuk I suggest you google it, because its basically a pimped out lawn mower with seats in the back.

The buses are no different, they're literally trucks with metal cages. Anyways, while we sat on the back of the "bus" chatting it up with these two guys from England; this little old Thai lady hops onto the back with a carton of food. At this point, all three of us are pretty hungry, so we ask whats in the box. Turns out, she's selling what turns out to be the BEST chicken and rice I have ever tasted in my life. (Unfortunately I wasnt able to retrieve the picture I took of the chicken from the corrupted memory card) So there we are, all three of us enjoying our chicken hitching a ride on the back of a flatbed to Patong beach. When we finally arrived at Patong, I was a little disappointed because I was expecting a white sandy beach. Instead, it was filled with people and there were plastic bottles, bottle caps, and trash everywhere. Extremely dirty. It took me a while to get over the dirtiness of it all, but I finally gave in and ran into the ocean. Came back from the waters just in time to catch this beautiful sunset.

Afterwards, we went to get a Thai massage across the street ;) jk no happy ending. After the massage we went looking for a nice place to eat cuz it was my boy Glen's early birthday dinner. We ate at this fancy little outdoor buffet with a band playing in the background. Super laid back. After dinner we walked around to find a bar to chill at and have a couple drinks. Our initial plan was to just grab a couple drinks and head back to the hostel because we had an early day the next day. But after a couple Jager bombs and hanging out with the locals; we just couldn't leave. My favorite memory of Thailand will probably be playing Connect Four with the bartenders for shots...and these girls were good.

Woke up the next morning with a huge hangover and not remembering half the events of the night before. We had to wake up extra early that morning because we decided to buy a one day tour package that would take us to Phi Phi Island. Took a quick cab ride to the pier and after a quick introduction by the tour guide, we boarding our jet boat and headed off to Phi Phi. The tour took us to several spots all around the islands. The first was the swallow cave. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the really pricey birds nest soup. This is where it comes from. From there we headed to this really really tiny beach. Spent about half an hour there before heading off to the next destination. It was pretty much going from one location to the next and spending about half an hour to an hour at every place. Our last stop was probably the highlight of the day. The water was crystal clear and it just felt like paradise. It was my first time snorkeling so I spent the entire time with my head under water. Got back to the hostel late afternoon and took a nap before we met up with our friends in Bangkok. They took us out to this amazing Thai restaurant. Had my pad thai, pineapple fried rice, papaya salad, and a bunch of other dishes. We really wanted to try and catch a Muy Thai fight at the boxing arena across the street but unfortunately they were closed that night. So instead we decided to get some drinks and call it a night.

Overall, Thailand was a blast. There are so many beautiful places in Thailand and I cant wait to go again. I'd like to thank the friends we met along the way for showing us a good time. Our trip definitely wouldn't have been any where near as fun without you guys.

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